Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I require a Dwarf Buddleia davidii 'Peakeep' Peacock plant does anyone know location of same in UK.?

This is a dwarf variety only have small garden.

I require a Dwarf Buddleia davidii 'Peakeep' Peacock plant does anyone know location of same in UK.?
Good luck with that, they are nice plants

Reply:why use dwarf varietys, i have a 20 by 22ft garden and i have 10 buddleia in it growing them close together can form a headge
Reply:Buddelia are one of those plants that are only big for a relatively short time. Enjoy a majestic display because when they finish flowering in the autumn you cut them back by half and then in the spring they get cut down again.

I didn't know dwarf ones existed. Do buy one though (or get a cutting from a friend, they take really easily) they're showstoppers!
Reply:Ask any passing butterfly - they know where to find them.......

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